Wednesday 31 July 2013

lately in this July

mi recuerdo eran imágenes,
en el instante, de ti:
esa expresión y un matiz
de los ojos, algo suave
en la inflexión de la voz,
y tus bostezos furtivos
de lebrel que ha maldormido
la noche en mi habitación
Jaime Gil de Biedma

* one of my favorite poets Jaime Gil de Biedma if you wish to read him... 
Is there anything more amazing than having a night swim in the sea? So grown up and still never had a night swim in the black sea, under the dark night and the sparkling stars... felt so wild, so human, so connected... that even life became overwhelming. I'm in love with Summer, though is always kind of intense...

Our garden has become energizing, it's full of beautiful and colorful everyday gifts. They are SO delicious, I can't put down in words. Each time I cut a tomato into slices, I can't help eating some pieces while it melts between my fingers... nature amazes me every day.

We've been also spending time with friends, with newborns, before Summer holidays take place in the middle of some new job I'm starting...

Just wanted to make a small post before Summer takes place and I try to make a small break from internet connections and routines, as much as I can. Wishing really hard for new things to come, we'll see what the Autumn brings us this year... for now, I'll let go into Summer vibes as much as I can...

Had my very first wedding shooting! so happy and it was so exciting! we spent all day shooting under the charming and strong sun, to a beautiful sweet couple. I was under a very talented teacher and also friend Xavi Palomera ! to whom I'm really grateful for letting me in to this adventure. A full, blue moon ended the party while we were driving back with our cameras full of images to review.

I wish you a really good Summer to ya'll!

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Friday 19 July 2013

the magic house

* I'll switch language to my own, to write this post. I really need to keep on learning english to put words to all my thoughts and words... 

es el lugar donde la magia se vuelve tangible, ocupa el espacio desde donde dormitan los grillos hasta donde alcanzan las estrellas, las que una vez estuvieron vivas...

A veces no es facil sentirla, sin querer te pierdes entre todo aquél ruido urbano, mientras te encaramas sobre la vieja mesa de madera para llegar a las ciruelas amarillas, mientras desprendes del árbol las más maduras, te llegan a los ojos tantas ideas lejanas, ruidosas, hasta dolorosas, que cuesta concentrarse en algo tan orgánico, tan humano, tan vivo... pero es hermoso darse cuenta cuando aún sostienes una ciruela entre las manos, justo a tiempo. logras sonreirte y llevártela a la boca, mientras tus pies desnudos, se sotienen en el marco de la ventana, mientras los pájaros sobrevuelan tu cabeza chirriando salvajes, mientras cruje la madera ardiendo al sol, y con las manos huntadas en almíbar, sientes al fin, la vida entre ellas.

Los amaneceres entre las montañas tienen otro sabor, un sabor familiar, lleno  de olores y sonidos que reconozco como despertares de memoria. Los sapos y ranas al acostarme, las golondrinas y las cigarras al amanecer el sol...

Tomar el cesto y recoger los huevos, dar largos paseos entre la maleza, repasar los ancianos árboles, sostenidos sobre sus admirables raíces, perseguir veloces lagartijas y llenarse de picadas de hambrientos mosquitos...

También las escandalosas tormentas, que rugen y decoran los cielos con la electricidad que las conduce. contar desde el trueno hasta la luz, y recordar aquellas tormentas junto a los dedos contando de mi abuela... nada más mágico... doy gracias a la memoria por acordarse de mí.

Y luego está el azul.
 todas esas raíces que rodean la casa llegaban hasta mis entrañas, removiendo absolutamente todo cuanto tenía acomodado en mis huesos. Como si hubieran abrazado mi pecho, tan fuerte, que lo hubieran escurrido como un trapo empapado hasta dejar que ahora, rebosen sensaciones extrañas, supurando por mi piel... es extraño pero gratificante, que a ratos durante mi rutina, note los poros sobrepasados por un segundo más intenso de lo habitual... casi se siente como sanean algunas heridas... y seco la piel al sol, mientras dejo espacio para las nuevas cosas que van llegando...

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Monday 8 July 2013


* (sorry about the low quality image)
sometimes I wonder about my publications. I wonder if they really reach somebody, or maybe, they just remain here like a silent diary, I really wouldn't care if it was this way, I think about it some years away and it will be quite fun and also lovely to remember some moments of life... 
(of course, here I only post a small part of my life...)  
I don't know why do I have this feeling or even need of posting, I guess I feel inspired by people I follow; they update some pieces of their life, and it's a small attempt of walking a similar path... I also feel as if it's a part of this moment in my life, I like to share and meet wonderful people around the world... it's an extension of my neighborhood, of my city...

I wish maybe a word, an image, reaches some soul sometime!

We'll see where this path leads me to...

thank you so very much, to everyone who stops by, who enjoys maybe an image, shares a feeling, I'm really grateful for that! <3

good night ya'll!

bona nit!

*(sorry about my english, I try my best! :) )

Sunday 7 July 2013

oh weekend

it's been an amazing weekend..! so much love..! these two have brought me magic! they always do, but it's been their first visit home, and I couldn't be happier!!! I took care of them over seven years, every day, can't tell how much I love them!
such a wonderful night!
they made me the sweetest gifts! 

Summer brings those vibes... where nights are longer, the sea smells like heaven, and the feeling of time slowing down while you can stare the skies turn purple, red and orange...
a small fun fair has arrived to the village;
sometimes life seems to be this easy, lights, fun, brise, stars, sea, beer, sand under your feet, very few times I feel it this way, so I just wanted to enjoy this feeling as long as it lasts...

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